Wednesday, December 30, 2009
~DEbaran 31/12
~~Apakah yg ada pada 31/12?
~~~MenGApakah ku menanti?
~~~~KEnapa tarikh itu menjadi piliHAnku?
~~~~~BAgaimanakah Dengan TARikh yg LaiN?
KU MENANTI IA, KErana Ia Adalah permulaan hidupku didunia yg penuh dugaan, rintangan dan pancaroba ini.... MY BIRTHDAY...
PS: saper nak kasi hadiah leave mesej jer.. ehehehe :P
Thursday, December 17, 2009
~MUHARRAM satu permulaan....
MUHARAM adalah bulan pertama dalam tahun Islam (Hijrah). Sebelum Rasulullah berhijrah dari Makkah ke Yathrib, kiraan bulan dibuat mengikut tahun Masihi. Hijrah Rasulullah memberi kesan besar kepada Islam sama ada dari sudut dakwah Rasulullah, ukhuwwah dan syiar Islam itu sendiri.
Pada asasnya, Muharam membawa maksud 'diharamkan' atau 'dipantang', iaitu Allah SWT melarang melakukan peperangan atau pertumpahan darah. Namun demikian larangan ini ditamatkan setelah pembukaan Makkah (Al Baqarah: 91). Sejak pemansuhan itu, umat Islam boleh melaksanakan tugas dan ibadat harian tanpa terikat lagi dengan larangan berkenaan.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
~THe UniQue on CAR`s plate NUmber~
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
~Dugaan demi Dugaan~
~~Yaallah.... ampunkanlah dosaku jikalau aku ada membuat salah tanpa kusedari... aku terima segala dugaanmu padaku... dan mengharap pengampunan mu... sesungguh hanya engkaulah maha pengampun lagi maha pengasihani..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
[INFO] Kambing vs darah Tinggi???
Pengurai Kolestrol Tepu
Salah satu bahan yang terdapat dalam darah yang menjadi punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi dan obesiti ialah kolestrol daripada sumber seperti berikut;
1. Kolestrol daripada minyak tumbuhan seperti minyak sawit, minyak bunga matahari, minyak soya, minyak jagung dan sebagainya (kecuali minyak zaitun).
2. Kolestrol daging lembu dan ayam.
3. Kolestrol tepu daripada makanan laut (kecuali ikan) iaitu sotong, udang, ketam, kerang, siput.
4. Kolestrol tepu daripada organ dalaman haiwan seperti hati, limpa, perut, usus, dan organ-organ lain seperti telinga, lidah, mata, dan sebagainya.
5. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh kolestrol tumbuhan seperti keropok lekor, tauhu goreng, taugeh goreng, telur goreng (bahagian kuning telurnya) dan sebagainya.
6. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh sodium (garam pengawit) seperti daging berger atau daging di restoran makanan segera.
7. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti Vitamin C seperti daging yang diperah limau atau mengambil herba chitosan (herba slimming) atau kuah laksa yang diperah limau atau amalan meminum jus oren setelah mengambil makanan tinggi protein.
8. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti karbon seperti ikan bakar, sate atau daging panggang.
Daging kambing tidak memiliki protein yang tinggi, oleh itu ia terkecuali daripada membentuk sebarang ikatan kolestrol akibat amalan pemakanan seperti yang dinyatakan di atas.
Ikatan kolestrol tepu boleh dicegah sekiranya terdapat Omega 3 di dalam darah, tetapi Omega 3 tidak mampu mengurai kolestrol yang telah terbentuk. Hanya ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol lembut) sahaja yang boleh menguraikan ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol kasar). Oleh itu, kolestrol yang terbentuk dalam badan tidak boleh diurai dengan sebarang bahan melainkan ia hanya boleh diurai dengan kolestrol kambing sahaja.
Vitamin C dan chitosan yang digunakan untuk menyelaputi protein akan mengakibatkan pembentukan kolestrol yang lebih bahaya sekiranya ia diserap oleh darah. Kandungan kolestrol tepu jenis ini sekiranya terdapat banyak dalam darah akan mengakibatkan masalah jantung.
Sodium (sejenis garam) yang digunakan untuk mengawit daging serta untuk menyedapkan rasa daging akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang halus. Biasanya kaedah ini digunakan untuk membuat daging berger. Selain itu memakan makanan yang tinggi protein yang dicampurkan dengan perasa makanan seperti Mono Sodium Glitumat (MSG) juga akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang sangat halus. Ia boleh dipam naik ke bahagian otak dan sekiranya tersekat, ia akan menyebabkan strok.
Pencegah Penyakit Darah Tinggi Dan Obesiti
Kolestrol kambing boleh menguraikan kolestrol dalam darah punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi. Kolestrol kambing yang menguraikan darah yang tercemar dengan kolestrol tepu akan menyebabkan isipadu darah meningkat. Pesakit darah tinggi yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami gejala penguraian akibat peningkatan isipadu darah seperti pening.
Walaupun daging kambing bertindak sebagai pengurai protein yang terbaik, tetapi pesakit darah tinggi yang tidak tahan dengan kesan pembongkaran penguraian ini dinasihatkan agar tidak mengambil daging kambing sebagai terapi. Tetapi bagi mereka yang tidak mengalami masalah tekanan darah tinggi dinasihatkan agar mengamalkan pemakanan daging kambing untuk mengelakkan penyakit darah tinggi.
Kolestrol yang gagal dicerna oleh hati akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak di bawah permukaan kulit. Dalam jumlah yang banyak ia akan menyebabkan masalah obesiti (kegemukan). Pesakit obesiti yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami masalah tekanan darah yang tidak stabil dan turut mengalami pening kepala akibat kesan pembongkaran kolestrol tepu oleh kolestrol kambing. Selain itu, daging kambing akan membakar lemak yang berlebihan dalam badan. Kesan pembakaran lemak akan mengakibatkan gejala pembongkaran seperti panas badan, berpeluh dan telinga berdengung.
Mencantikkan Kulit
Dalam daging kambing turut terdapat Vitamin C semulajadi yang tidak teroksida. Vitamin C tidak teroksida amat penting untuk pembinaan dan ketahanan sel kulit. Vitamin C yang tidak teroksida akan menyeimbangkan dan mengurangkan bebanan fungsi hempedu dan mencantikkan kulit.
Pengambilan protein tinggi yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan ia tersimpan di bahagian bawah kulit akan mudah teroksida dan bertindak balas dengan sel kulit untuk membentuk tenaga. Proses ini akan menyebabkan kulit kelihatan hangus dan gelap sekiranya berjemur di bawah sinaran matahari. Vitamin C daripada daging kambing akan memberi lebih ketahanan terhadap kulit daripada bertindak balas terhadap protein yang terkena cahaya matahari.
Mengamalkan memakan daging kambing adalah salah satu cara semula jadi untuk mendapatkan kulit yang putih dan cantik.
Meningkatkan Rasa Kasih Sayang Dan Kegembiraan
Sistem darah (NW18) berkaitan dengan kawasan Thalamus (NW3). Thalamus berfungsi menjaga kasih sayang. Sistem darah yang sihat dan kuat akan memastikan bahagian Thalamus juga kuat dan membantu mewujudkan perasaan kasih sayang.
Jantung yang menerima kolestrol daging kambing akan lebih lembut dan lancar pergerakannya. Jantung yang lembut akan mewujudkan perasaan yang gembira. Jantung yang lancar pergerakannya akan mudah tersentuh dan terpesona dengan sesuatu yang mengusik perasaannya. Oleh itu ia akan membahagiakan dan mewujudkan perasaan kecintaan.
Mereka yang mengamalkan memakan daging kambing akan merasa tenang dan gembira dan mudah merasa getaran kasih sayang. Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah sukar merasai nikmat kasih sayang dan getaran kecintaan, silalah amalkan memakan daging kambing.
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Friday, November 6, 2009
~Tips to buy secondhand car...

Everything could be so easy: The used car auto dealer has your dream car ready, the price and conditions are correct also. But caution: The history of an auto second hand is an important factor during the purchase decision. Therefore the buyer itself should get to know more about the previous car owner and for which purposes the cars was used. Either it was the second car in the family, or the first car for the owner, was the car used for business, mostly driven around the city, or on highways? With the purchase of a used car a multiplicity of things have to be considered, to avoid bad surprises later. Better make a cheap car search first, many people sell a car online now, so you have a better overwiew for second hand cars and can locate cars more easily. Also check the internet for car reviews and ratings, you can find useful help in the car forum with many useful car comments too. Good advice, make yourself a buying car checklist or print Vehicle checklist for your next pre purchase inspection, note everything important and take some pictures of the used car. TEST DRIVE A CAR TO GET A GENERAL IMPRESSION The test run of a second hand car is essential with an inspection. Before starting the car, check the car engine, it has to be cold and not warmed up already, to cover up eventually problems of the engine. One should make sure that all switches and buttons work, when the engine is started. Look out for lighting up warning lamps in the instrument panel. So far, if everything is problem-free, one must make certain that the car radio is switched off and all windows are closed, to avoid all unnecessary sources of noise, now check about unusual noises. Next take your attention to the brakes and check the 2nd hand cars for there condition. Do they work properly, are there strange noises, when stepping the brakes, or is the brake pedal play too large. Likewise the gear change should function perfectly and without resistance, and the steering should not have to much play. Further the behavior of the car at higher speed must be tested, a trip on the highway belongs to a car test run. Since some used cars reveal their weaknesses only here, in which they begin to swim, because the chassis and the absorbers are in need of an exchange or econditioning. ODOMETERS The odometer reading of a used car is often crucial for the purchase, for or against the used car. Therefore the mileage of a car is maybe manipulated, by digital mileage correction in some cases, or odometer roll back of the analog one, in order to increase the value. Unfortunately these manipulations are not visible at first. In order to recognize a manipulation, there are three possible reference points: with large manipulations of the mileage, the conditions apply as wear marks at the steering wheel, shift levers, the pedals and upholstery. Check the dates and mileage on the stickers for oil and cooling water change, maybe you should check with the responsible service center or previous owners of the private vehicle. TRANSMISSION Automatic vs manual, both has it´s vantages, do you like relax driving, or you may prefer the sporty style? In order to examine an automatic transmission from a used car, check it with the transmission oil dipstick and see how the oil looks like, it should be transparent and clear. If it is dirty and black, metal chips from the transmission are solved. If the oil has a burnt smell additionally, then an gearbox trouble is to be expected soon. To test the automatic transmisson while driving, do the following: when starting the car, the gear shift has to be on “P” position. After starting the engine, wait till the engine speed settled down at approx. 650-850 revolutions, go to “D” for drive now and step on the brake, next choose “R” for reverse, still step on the brake. Within one second the car should make a gentle jerk backwards. Now change to “N” for neutral, still with your foot on the brake and go to “D”, the car should make a gentle jerk forward within one second too. Do the same procedure with “1”, “2” and if necessary “3”. If these changes are too jerky, you notice strange noises, or it needs more than 3 seconds for the change to be done, then it points to a massive wearout, or the damage of the clutch. While doing a test drive up to 60 km/h, two smooth shifting processes had to take place, from “1” to “2” and “2” to “3”. With younger used cars this is more difficult to sense. Other problems can show up also, either with a cold engine, or warm engine you might have problems to change the gears, this can point to an expensive repair. Try the “kick-down”, drive with approximately 40-50 km/h, than push the accelerator strongly, a switching operation towards a lower shifting course should take place automatically. If you notice this to happen very jerky, or it happens nothing at, than the used car is not a good choice. With the purchase of a handswitched used car, there are two ways to check the transmission. First check for oil stains on the transmission, the transmission has to be dry. The Motor should run without any background noises. Examine the clutch of the used car as follows: with the engine running, stepp on the brake, go to 2. gear and let go of the clutch pedal. The car should make a jerk forward and the engine should stop. In case the engine should not stop working, the clutch is worn out to much. A similar test can be done to examine the function of the cluch: drive with a speed of approx. 30 km/h than switch into the 3. course and depress the accelerotor pedal, if you notice that only the engine speed rises, but not the speed of the car itself, it shows that the clutch is worn out and is in need of repair. While driving the car, all courses should be used easily and without further noises. PROOF OF RUSTING CAR PAINT AND LATERAL LINE LOOK “The first impression is the most important” - this saying is used very often, with a used car, it can be however a fatal mistake. A car analysis of the body is very important. Because many people only look at the appearance of used car when buying it, there are many tricks to avoid. Sometimes the car body is bumped out provisional and to remove rust from the body, it is sanded away and simply overpainted.
(credit to mysat)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Setuju Or Tidak?
KUALA LUMPUR: The controversial Approved Permits (AP) system will be scrapped in 2015while foreign firms will be given manufacturing licenses to hold 100%equity in firms, which produce luxury vehicles with an engine capacityof more than 1,800cc and costing more than RM150,000 under the reviewof the National Automotive Policy announced Wednesday.
Under thereview announced by International Trade and Industry Minister DatukMustapa Mohamed, the import duties of all completely-built-up (CBU) andcompletely-knocked-down (CKD) cars will be maintained.
Incentivesand exemptions will be increased to develop local auto parts so thatthere would no longer be parts imports by 18 months’ time, a move whichhelp do away with imported and used spare parts outfits.
Vehicles which are 15 years and above would also have to go through mandatorytesting to ensure their roadworthiness but provisions would be made forvintage cars, he told a press conference to announce the long-awaitedreview of the NAP.
He said that the review was undertaken afterextensive discussions with industry players including manufacturers,assemblers, auto parts makers, non-governmental organisation as well ascar associations.
Mustapa said that there were 18 new policiesand measures covering licencing, duties, incentives, technology andenvironment, safety and standards and APs introduced under the NAPreview.
New policies and measures would be effective from Jan 1, 2010.
Underthe new measures new strategic partnership between Proton and a globalestablished Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) will be established.
Currently, Proton is in talks to establish strategic partnership with international partners.
“Up to now, Proton has yet to find a strategic partner,” he said.
Elaboratingon APs, he said the AP system for imports of CBU vehicles will beterminated whereby open APs for used vehicles will be terminated byDecember 31, 2015, which means importation of used vehicles using theAP permit would no longer be allowed after 2015.
“No new applications for open APs will be considered and franchise APs will be terminated by Dec 31, 2020,” he said.
Mustapasaid as part of ongoing efforts to help Bumiputera entrepreneurs in theautomotive industry, a Fund for Bumiputera Development will also beestablished.
Besides this, he said that a charge of RM10,000 foreach open AP will be introduced as announced in the 2010 budget lastweek whereby under current status, APs are issued for free.
A fund will be established to assist Bumiputera companies venturing into the automotive and other related businesses, he said.
Thegovernment would also introduce a mechanism to prohibit the import ofused parts and components effective June 2011, said Mustapa.
Currently,imports of new and used parts and components were allowed without anyrestrictions and might in some cases affect safety and environment, hesaid.
A new measure under the review of the NAP is theestablishment of a gazzetted price for imported used CBU motor vehiclesby the Royal Customs, a move designed to stop the under-declaration ofimported used-cars and abuse of the AP system.
Currently only prices for new imported CBU motor vehicles are gazetted for the purpose of duty compilation, he said. - Bernama

hUh... membebankan atau tidak... anda yang akan tentu... tp disebaliknya masih ada positif isu... tp semua terletak atas kita sendiri... membebankan atau tidak? sama2 kita fikirkan...
~DEtik-detik yg mencemaskan
~~Ironinya bak kata pepatah melayu.... "malang tidak berbau", aku telah terlibat dalam kemalangan yang agak mengerikan buat kedua kali nya dalam masa 2 thn dan sepanjang kereta ni telah ku miliki....
~~~Kemalangan yang tiada diduga, tiada dipinta, tiada halangan, tiada persoalan.. telah menimpa diriku dan kereta kesayanganku...
~~~~Biarpun pada kali pertamanya, kemalangan yang menimpa akan diriku ini berpunca dari sikap pandu secara laju.. namun berlainan pada kali ini... kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh orang lain atau pihak ke-3 menyebabkan aku terpaksa menahan kesakitan.
Dipendekkan cerita,, kejadian berlaku berhampiran Lim Kok Wing uni, cyberjaya. Kemalangan berlaku di jalan bandaran yang mempunyai dua lane sehala... Pada ketika kereta saya sedang meluncur di laluan laju(fast lane), tiba-tiba sebiji kembara bernombor pendaftaran BGP 7676 yang berada pada lorong kiri(normal speed) ingin membuat pusingan U(U-TURN). Tanpa berfikir panjang, kembara yang telah dipandu oleh makcik tersebut terus meluru dihadapan saya untuk melakukan pusingan U.
Dalam keadaan terkejut, brek sudah ditekan. Geseran telah berlaku untuk menghentikan kereta saya, namun jarak yang terlalu pendek dan kelajuan yang dipacu menyebabkan kenderaan saya gagal berhenti dah menghentam Kembara hitam tersebut dari arah tepi..
Antara gambar-gambar di kawasan kejadian:



Tentang AKU~~~ (credit to zackmeow)

Tentang AKU~~~
Adeh...ari jumaat ari tu roomate aku, Azam Satria @ nama penuhnya Mohammad Ismul A'zam dgn jiran bebilik ku Ammar eksiden ketee...hukhuk.... sedikit catatan kejadian yg diceritakan oleh mangsa...
~~~~Lebih kurang kul 11lbih Ammar dtg ke bilik tuk mintak tlg kat azam bwk dia g Bangi..Kete dia ada prob sikit..So kuar la bdk 2 org ni ke bangi naik satria azam.. Masa on da way blik cyber, si ammar teringin nk bwk kete azam.. elok dah smpai kat persiaran Apex(dh dlm kawasan cyberjaya dah)..tgh diorg dok rancak beborak, tiba2 ada sebijik kembara dr sblah kiri nk wat U-Turn terus masuk ke link kanan menybabkan ammar terkejut n terus menekan brek dgn tiba2, namun disbabkan Kete Kembara tu dah berada di link diorg, ammar hanya sempat menekan brek dan mengelak sedikit ja..namum apakan daya, cempedak sudah menjadi nangka(tiba2 jaa terkeluar ayat ni..hehe), kereta satria azam melanggar belah tayar belakang kanan kereta kembara tersebut yg menyebabkan kembara itu sedikit melambung dan terbalik(berhati2 kpd Tuan Kereta Kembara kerna sememangnya kembara amat mudah terbalik..hee~)..hentakkan yg kuat semasa melanggar kembara tersebut menyebabkan azam dan ammar terhantuk ke dashboard kete, ammar sempat menahan dgn tangan supaya badan dan kepalanya x terhentak kuat.Namun azam x berjaya menahan badannya terhentak kuat ke dashboard dan menindih tangan kirinya..hukhuk..
Dlm keadaan sakit2 ammar terus keluar dr kete, niat dihati utk marah kpd pemandu kete kembara tersebut. Namun setelah diamati, rupanya dlm kereta kembarea itu adalah satu keluarga melayu. Melihat si ayah sedang menarik keluar anaknya dr dlm kete menyebabkan hati ammar menjadi sayu dan terasa sedih. Terus terbatal niatnya td...hee~ Pemandu kete kembara itu upanya adalah wanita, iaitu isteri kpd lelaki td. Em...ketika didlm ambulan sesuatu yg mengecewakan telah berlaku dimana makcik(pemandu) tersebut telah memarahi dan menyalahkan ammar dan azam atas kejadian itu. Namun atas dasar malas nk gaduh2 kat dlm tu. Ammar ajak "setel kat balai ja la mak cik" suami hanya mengangguk.
Ketika di hospital, doktor mengesahkan bahawa tulang dibahagian tangan kiri azam patah di dua bahagian..hukhuk..sementara ammar hanyalah cedera ringan(luka kat tangan n bengkak kat kepala). Mak cik n keluarganya pula hanyalak cedera2 ringan sahaja. Tapi mak cik tu still x nak mintak maaf dan langsung x berkata2 apa kpd mereka. Cuma si suami nya shja yg dtg bertya khabar dan mintak maaf. Selesai hal2 di hospital, kitaorg g balai polis lak nk wat report. Masa nk wat report tu, abg polis tu bgtau yg cerita mak cik tu lain dr kitaorg, dia seolah2 wat cerita sendiri tuk mencari kesalahan ammar n berpandukan gambar dan kedudukan kereta semasa eksiden, mmg sah2x arr mak cik tu yg bersalah..hukhuk..napa la nk wat cm ni mak cik..bulan2 posa lgik ni..hukhuk..Susahkah nk berkata benar dan memintak maaf..hukhuk..
Selesai hal2 di balai polis, abg sedara azam dtg amik dia sbb nk suruh rehat2 kat umah mak sedara dia sementara Parent azam on da way dtg dr kedah..huu~ Aku plak blik hostel ngan ammar. Pastu mandi2 n siap2 tuk wat kerja2 katering di surau spti biasa dgn pekerja2 yg lain..hahah..Mlm nya lepas terawih aku blik perak..lebih kurang 11lbih aku bertolak dr cyber. Masa on da way tu, tgh drive tu ada lah bbrapa kali aku baik x jd pa2..klu tak xpasal2 aku berhenti la kat petronas kat Tanjung karang tuk tido kejap..aku smpai umah lebih kurang kul 3 lbih gak la.. Jadi itulah kisah di hari jumaat.. Okeh..jumpa lgik..jgn lupa rakan2 yg mengenali azam, msj la dia tya khabar n kasi kata2 semangat yee..hee~.
- Hospital yg nampak gah n canggih pun bengong gak upanya.(inilah hospital kerajaan..hukhuk).Patutnya tangan azam tu perlu disimen, tp diorg ckp x yah. Blik kedah, hospital kat sana dah marah2 patutnya kena balut sbb teruk sangat patahnya tuu...adeh....
-azam skrg kat kampungnya di Sungai Petani..
- Kpd roomate ku azam sekeluarga..sabarlah menghadapi ujian2 yg diturunkan keatas mu di bulan ramadan ni..insyaALlah..ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian..:D


~Berehat PanJAnG~
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Apa kata MERDEKA?
Merdeka adalah suatu kebebasan daripada penjajahan atau daripada dibelenggu oleh pihak lain melalui perjuangan secara diplomatik, mentally mahupun secara kekerasan seperti peperangan. Sifat 'ingin merdeka' adalah suatu sifat yg dimangkin oleh diri manusia yang ingin berubah daripada suatu tahap ke suatu tahap yang lain.
Kemerdekaan pada pandangan saya, bukan hanya tertumpu kepada pembebasan dari penjajahan tapi merdeka juga merangkumi perjalanan hidup manusia atau sesebuah institusi kenegaraan selepas mengalami kemerdekaan. Dalam erti kata lain, bagaimana kesan kemerdekaan, impak dan apa yang telah 'merdeka' coretkan dan alurkan dalam kehidupan seharian kita.Adakah merdeka hanya bermaksud kita bebas dari penjajahan? Hidup aman? Masing-masing empunya jawapan sendiri. Tepuk dada tanya iman.
Penghayatan selepas `kemerdekaan` juga merupakan suatu perjuangan bagaimana persepsi kita mengenai dunia,negara,agama,bangsa dan diri kita sendiri. Apakah kita sudah benar2 merdeka? atau kita hanya mengecapi keamanan semata-mata tanpa memikirkan situasi yang mendatang?
Ramai yang terlepas pandang isu kemerdekaan ini dengan hanya tertumpu pada kemerdekaan negara. Tetapi isu yang tersirat adalah kemerdekaan mutlak. Tanpa kita sedari, hari demi hari kita semakin dijajah oleh barat melalui cara halus. Tanpa kita sedari, mentality kita semakin dijajah oleh budaya-budaya barat. Bermulanya dari fesyen hinggakan ke amalan harian. Tidak salah mengikuti fesyen dari luar, cuma jangan jadikan ia suatu budaya yang mencorakkan bangsa kita. Dari segi amalan harian, kita sebagai warga Malaysia telah diterapkan dengan nilai2 murni yang penuh dengan adat kesopanan dan kelembutan. Tetapi tanpa kita sedari, semakin hari semakin ramai anak muda yang terdedah dengan budaya2 sosial yg melebihi batasan agama dan budaya kita. Adakah itu budaya kita? Nyatalah penjajahan minda telah berjaya dilakukan oleh orang barat....
Antara penjajahan minta yang dilakukan oleh barat adalah 'barangan buatan barat lebih bagus dari buatan Malaysia'. Tidak dinafikan sesetengah barangan buatan barang berkualiti namun dalam arus dunia sekarang, dapat saya katakan barangan Malaysia sudah setanding dengan barangan barat. Tapi untuk menghakis sifat 'barangan buatan barat lebih bagus dari buatan Malaysia' kita memerlukan suatu perjuangan minda yang tinggi kerana sudah sekian lama mentality kita telah di'set'kan untuk menerima hakikat itu.
Akhir kata dari saya, merdeka adalah perubahan diri kita dari satu tahap ke tahap yg lebih baik, dari dijajah ke kebebasan, dari diperintah ke bebas melakukan apa sahaja, dari bawah ke atas dan dari pada penguasaan ke demokrasi yang berkepimpianan. Banyak lagi yang ingin saya coretkan namun sampai setakat ini dulu nukilan dari saya, luahan hati saya dan jika ada silap dah salah jangan malu dan segan untuk tegur sy dan comment sy agar sy dapat berubah dan mengubah diri saya.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Malaysiaku Gemilang
Marilah kita semua
Atas nama negara bangsa
Dengan tekad mulia
Maju berwawasan
Mencipta keagungan
Berpadulah kita semua
Di dalam satu suara
Dengan degupan merdeka
Menjulang budaya bangsa
Untuk Malaysia tercinta
Malaysiaku gemilang
Merdekanya terbilang
Berdaulat dan makmur
Berjaya kami syukur
Malaysia.. kebebasan kedamaian
Malaysia.. kebahagiaan kebanggaan
Malaysia.. cemerlang terbilang
Malaysiaku gagah gemilang
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
6ixth Sense - Tanpa
Resah yang ku
Ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
Pagi itu menatapi
Akan sunyi tanpamu
Menemani aku sepi
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Kini benar-benarku rasakan
Dalam benuk hatiku tanpamu
Ku tak mengerti
Takut jauh dari dirimu
Kan kau tinggalkan aku sendiri
Tanpamu ku mati
Resah yang ku
Ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Thursday, July 16, 2009
~Nissan Introduces New Dual Injector System - For Cleaner Power~
Tokyo (July 14) - Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. yesterday announced the development of a Dual Injector system designed to improve fuel efficiency in small-displacement gasoline engines. The new fuel delivery system, the first of its kind in the world*1, uses an injector for each port rather than one per cylinder - speeding up fuel vaporization, reducing the amount of unburned fuel and reducing hydrocarbon emissions. Nissan will introduce the new system in production vehicles starting early in fiscal 2010.
While most current gasoline engines utilize one injector per cylinder (furnishing fuel to two intake ports), the new Nissan Dual Injector system doubles the number of injectors per cylinder. This reduces the diameter of the fuel droplets by about 60%, resulting in smoother, more stable combustion.
The system also adds continuous valve timing control on the exhaust side to conventional intake-side control, improving heat efficiency, reducing pumping losses and raising fuel efficiency by up to 4%*2 in sync with the dual injectors.
While similar in theory to “direct-injection” systems, which also inject fuel directly into cylinders, such direct injection systems are difficult to use on small-displacement engines because they require a high-pressure pump that complicates system design, making component layout less cost-efficient. In contrast, the Nissan Dual Injector system is lighter and structurally simpler because it furnishes fuel at normal pressures, reducing cost by about 60% compared to direct-injection engines of similar displacement.
The new Dual Injector system also uses half the amount of rare metals in the catalyzer while maintaining the efficiency of the catalytic conversion system. That number could potentially be reduced to 75% in combination with the ultralow-rare-metal catalysts that were introduced in 2008.
“We consider it important to further improve the fuel efficiency of gasoline engines as demand for gasoline and other internal-combustion systems continues to increase around the world,” said Shuichi Nishimura, Corporate Vice President, Nissan Powertrain Engineering Division. “By widely applying the Dual Injector system on small-displacement engines, we hope to help reduce CO2 emissions and conserve rare metals.”
Nissan has been addressing a wide range of actions under “Blue Citizenship,” which represents the company’s desire to protect the blue planet and to be a corporate citizen that can live symbiotically with people and society. These efforts range from such global issues as the environmental protection to contribution to communities, promoting diversity and making personal mobility available to as many people as possible. Nissan continues promoting the “Nissan Green Program 2010,” based on the “Blue Citizenship” spirit by introducing effective technologies, products and services into the market.
*1: Mass production passenger cars (Nissan’s research).
*2: Compared with Nissan gasoline-powered engines in the same class.
Gambar menunjukkan daya pancutan dari injector nissan...
*credited to
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
~Oil Engine cOOler :) ~
Engines Internal parts (combustion) need lubricant in order to operate. In cars, that lubricant is known appropriately as motor oil/engine oil or whatever you call it. The key measure of a motor oil is its 'viscosity' . Viscosity is the state of being thick, sticky and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction. When heated, motor oil tends to lose its viscosity; if the oil is heated far enough, it will thin out enough that it cannot serve its primary function of lubricating the engine's moving parts. Lubrication, however, is not oil's only function. It also serves as a coolant, transporting heat from inside the engine block to the oil pan, where it can be dissipated into the surrounding air. Problems arise when an engine is running fast enough and hot enough that the oil is never left in the pan long enough to properly cool. This usually happens suddenly, since engine temperatures rise with increased engine revs. As a result, engines that run fast and long are vulnerable to oil breakdown.
The engine oil cooler is one of the solution. An engine oil cooler is nothing more complicated than a separate radiator dedicated to the engine's oil supply. An oil line is run (usually from the oil filter adapter) to the oil cooler, which is placed somewhere in the flow of outside (cooler) air, such as behind the engine fan. Oil leaves the engine and then runs to the cooler, which is typically a finned metal block with passages through it for the oil. The increased surface area and cooler airflow cools the oil more quickly than the oil pan, and the oil (and engine) can withstand higher heat.
~This is one of my project to mine 4G92p also.. eheheh.... Tujuan modifikasi ku kali ini adalah untuk menjaga kesejahteraan engine aku.. ehehe... kelebihan system kali ini adalah.. menjaga engine kenderaan agar tidak melalui fasa overheated.... Fasa dimana engine akan menghadapi ancaman bahaya akibat suhu yg terlalu tggi..... Penggunaan mekanisme ini diharapkan dapat membantu project sy yang lain.. ehehe
Mine evo 1 OIL cooler...

*credited to rotation/minute blogspot
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
~Lighten Crank Pulley~


~THis is one of modification thats we can do to our engine... cara lain utk mendapatkan sedikit kuasa tambahan dalam response engine kita.... this setup was recommended to me by my friend.. He said this thing can help in giving response when we throttle.... (terasa ringan memecut walaupun aircond dibuka)...
~~Semua kereta sememangnya didatangkan khas dengan benda ni.. atau dipanggil "crank pulley". Namun bagi penggemar arena ubahsuai kenderaan... aftermarket Crank pulley menarik perhatian mereka...
~~~The other benefit of aftermarket pulleys is to reduce rotating mass. Here the simple aluminum crank pulley has a big advantage over the heavy stock pulley, but there's a reason it's so much lighter: It's missing the harmonic dampener. The reduction in rotating mass may be worth a couple of horsepower. So this the thing that can help us in regain power..
~~~~Namun, kebanyakan aftermarket LCP tidak mempunyai HARMONIC DAMPER... OEM crank pulley is the best crank pulley dari sudut semua aspek. The factory crank pulley has a built-in harmonic dampener, in the form of a split design, with a thick rubber pad sandwiched between two steel sheels. The dampener is designed to absorb torsional and vertical vibrations from the crank. SO bayangkan bila tiada penyerap.... ehehe... Ada pendapat mengatakan... there will be a resonance on crankshaft when rpm hit 7k and above... ketiadaan harmonic damper akan menambahkan lagi resonan dalam crankshaft bagi sesebuah enjin itu.. RISIKO OF AFTERMARKET LCP.
~~~~~Tetapi bagi sy dan semua penggemar dunia modfikasi kenderaan.... as long as it can give as a satisfaction we will choose it... Dari crank pulley OEM... sy telah menukarkanya kepada LCP aftermarket. Jenama yg menjadi pilihan adalah dari REDLINE. Dari segi material, kekuatan dan design itu tersendiri, REDLINE crank pulley mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri....
Friday, June 26, 2009

An injector, ejector, steam ejector or steam injector is a pump-like device that uses the Venturi effect of a converging-diverging nozzle to convert the pressure energy of a motive fluid to velocity energy which creates a low pressure zone that draws in and entrains a suction fluid. After passing through the throat of the injector, the mixed fluid expands and the velocity is reduced which results in recompressing the mixed fluids by converting velocity energy back into pressure energy. The motive fluid may be a liquid, steam or any other gas. The entrained suction fluid may be a gas, a liquid, a slurry, or a dust-laden gas stream.[1][2]
The adjacent diagram depicts a typical modern ejector or injector. It consists of a motive fluid inlet nozzle and a converging-diverging outlet nozzle. Water, air, steam, or any other fluid at high pressure provides the motive force at the inlet.
The Venturi effect, a particular case of Bernoulli's principle, applies to the operation of this device. Fluid under high pressure is converted into a high-velocity jet at the throat of the convergent-divergent nozzle which creates a low pressure at that point. The low pressure draws the suction fluid into the convergent-divergent nozzle where it mixes with the motive fluid.
In essence, the pressure energy of the inlet motive fluid is converted to kinetic energy in the form of velocity head at the throat of the convergent-divergent nozzle. As the mixed fluid then expands in the divergent diffuser, the kinetic energy is converted back to pressure energy at the diffuser outlet in accordance with Bernoulli's principle.
Depending on the specific application, an injector is commonly also called an Eductor-jet pump, a water eductor, a vacuum ejector, a steam-jet ejector, or an aspirator.
~Berbalik kepada kereta aku... engine bernadi 4g92p telah dibekalkan oleh Proton dengan injector berkapasiti 182cc... utk meningkatkan keupayaan engine kereta aku telah menukarkan kepada daya pancutan yang lebih tggi... lebih bnyk minyak masuk lebih daya pembakaran... TETAPI peningkatan kadar kapasiti pancutan yang terlalu tinggi akan menyebabkan kereta anda kurang daya saing nyer akibat lebihan minyak serta tekanan yang berkurangan... kerana modifikasi yg terbaik adalah kadar campuran bahan api dan udara menepati sasaran penggunaan engine yang optimum....
~~Semula nya dari 182cc, sy telah meningkatkan keupayaannya kepada 240cc a.k.a injector dari jantung MIVEC.... setelah beberapa ketika sy menyedari akan ketidak sesuaian injector 240cc mivec terhadap engine sy pada masa itu... (Anda bole menggunakan injector yg tggi dengan syarat modifikasi terhadap engine anda juga tggi).... Apabila rpm kereta sy melebihi 5k RPM... satu perasan dimana kereta sy tidak lagi menerjah seperti yg sebelum nya...
~~~Walhal demikian akhirnya sy menukarkan injector yg berkapasiti 240cc kepada 210cc... prestasi kereta sy kembali pada tahap lama... (so ape guna tukar mende ni kalu prestasi sama?)... utk yg demikian... mungkin berlaku kekurangan tekanan atau sebagainya kepada engine sy ini... sy memilih utk menambahkan mekanisme baru kepada injector tersebut utk mengoptimumkan lagi keupayaanya.... mekanisme itu disebut FUEL PRESSURE REGULATOR a.k.a FR or FPR ( sy akan terangkan mekanisme ini dalam topik yg seterusnya)....
~~~~Namun, berdasarkan projek terbaru sy skrg ini... Injector 240cc mivec akan kembali kepada jantung kereta sy ini.... modifikasi yg ekstrem kali ni memerlukan pancutan minyak yg lebih bnyk bg memastikan kadar campuran angin dan minyak akan sama...
*credited to wikipedia
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Penantian suatu ujian....
Thursday, June 18, 2009
IKAN + AYAM = ??? (ikan ayam)
~~Pada suatu hari time cuti bebaru ni... aku pergi Tesco SP selepas mengkaraoke kan diri di Village mall sebelahnyer... sajer jalan2... xde org nak teman....huwaaaa... jalan punya jalan last2....ternampk ikan yg agak unik...
~~~Ape pendapat korunk/hangpa/anda/mereka apabila disebutkan ikan + ayam??? huh... ader rupa ikan tp xde rupa ayam... ehehe namun dia tetap unik..ehehe
PS: kawan aku kata kat tempat dia pggil ikan jebung

Monday, June 15, 2009
The relationship between the rotation of the camshaft and the rotation of the crankshaft is of critical importance. Since the valves control the flow of air/fuel mixture intake and exhaust gases, they must be opened and closed at the appropriate time during the stroke of the piston. For this reason, the camshaft is connected to the crankshaft either directly, via a gear mechanism, or indirectly via a belt or chain called a timing belt or timing chain. In some designs the camshaft also drives the distributor and th
e oil and fuel pumps. Also on early fuel injection systems, cams on the camshaft would operate the fuel injectors.
In a two-stroke engine that uses a camshaft, each valve is opened once for each rotation of the crankshaft; in these engines, the camshaft rotates at the same rate as the crankshaft. In a four-stroke engine, the valves are opened only half as often; thus, two full rotations of the crankshaft occur for each rotation of the camshaft.
The timing of the camshaft can be advanced to produce better low end torque or it can be retarded to produce better high end torque.
Duration can often be confusing because manufacturers may select any lift point to advertise a camshaft's duration and sometimes will manipulate these numbers. The power and idle characteristics of a camshaft rated at .006" will be mu ch different than one rated the same at .002". Whenever duration is quoted, be sure to note the lift at which it is given.Many performance engine builders have learned to gauge a race profile's aggressiveness by looking at the duration at .020", .050" and .200". The .020" number determines how responsive the motor will be and how much low end to
rque the motor will make. The .050" number is used to estimate where peak power wil
l occur, and the .200" number gives an estimate of the power potential.
In general, duration determines how many crankshaft degrees a camshaft maintains more than a given tappet lift.
as per explaination.... keupayaan sesebuah engine mampu di tingkatkan lagi dengan sedikit penambahan deg atau penukaran camshaft kepada yg lebey berkeupayaan tggi... *ala-ala gitu la.... senang citer giler kuasa tukar jer cam..ehehe ader bunyi brub-brub agi... tu yg best tue..ehehe~~tapi satu la pasang cam ni... MINYAK memang bes t...ahah macam air beb... Pastu bunyi brub...brub...brub... tu menarik perhatian abg J.... abih la.. takut aku pasni...
~~degree sesuatu cam itu pulak menerangkan jenis atau kesesuaian cam itu sendiri... maklumat dari org la... ader mildcam, fastroad,racing cam, extreme cam...bla...bla...bla...bla...bla... aku pon tatau...
~next modification dalam engine aku kali ni... aku menukar camshaft 4g92p yer berdegree kurang dari 250 (*orang cakap*) kepada sesuatu yg lebey ekstrem.... aku akan menggunakan cam yang berdegree lebey tinggi...ehehe
antara gambar2 cam asal a.k.a 4G92P


Sunday, June 7, 2009
~seperti penerangan diatas... ehehe next projek sy berkaitan dengan dalaman pulak... kalu ni.. sy cuba merubahkan lagi keupayaan jentera sy yg bernadikan 4g92p ke satu lagi tahap.... Kali ni sy cuba mengusik bahagian dalamanya pula..
dari piston yg menjanakan jantung 4g92p kepada piston janaan jantung MIVEC... tetapi untuk memuaskan nafsu kelajuan sy ini..ahaha... sy memilih piston oversize... before 81mm SOHC to 82mm MIVEC...
~Dalam penukaran ini... banyk proses yg perlu dilakukan... anda perlu mereborekan kembali... lubang2 piston sedia ada mengikut saiz piston yg dipilih..
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Jom belajar bahasa...kang jadi camni..
Cerite brmula d satu station minyak. D station minyak nie ada 2 org pekerja bangla yg tau cakap melayu skit, omputih skit & bahasa bangla yg sememangnye dia pro. Sorg tu namanye Majid & seorg lg namanye Iqbal.
Pd satu arie berhenti sebuah kete mewah, mercedes utk mengisi minyak. Pemandu kete tu seorg Pak Arab . Kebetulan pula minyak d pam minyak tu dah abis, nie yg membuatkan Iqbal poning kepalo nak bgtau pd Pak Arab tu yg minyak dah abih. Pak Arab tu lak tak tau sepatah haram bahasa melayu, cuma tau omputih skit & bahasa arabnye ler..
Iqbal bgtau PakArab tu sambil menyebut "fuel" & dsusuli gerakan memusingkan tangan menandakan minyak abih, tapi Pak Arab tu ternganga tak paham. Iqbal coba lg sekali dgn menyebut "fuel" & disusuli gerakan memusingkan kepala, tapi Pak Arab tu ternganga luas tak paham!!..
Iqbal tak tau nak wat camner..dia pon gi kat Majid utk menerangkan situasi sebenar. Mereka bercakap dlm bahasa bangla, & bunyiknye cam nie..
Iqbal: Majid, tolong aku majid, Pak Arab tu tak tau minyak dah abih..
Majid: ala...ko cakap je la..minyak dah abih..
Iqbal: dah cakap dah, tapi dier tak paham...aku lak, tak tau cakap omputih.. Yes , No, Alrite & I lap U tau ler..
Majid: Aku pun tak tau gak cakap omputih...
Iqbal: ala..ko tolong ler aku..
Majid: ok...aku tau sikit-sikit cakap arab..
Lalu pergi Majid kat Pak Arab tu & dgn selamba dek..nye berkata;
"Fuel!, Sodoqallah'hul. .azim",
baruler.. Pak Arab tu paham & teros blahhh...
*kredit to mysat
Sunday, May 31, 2009
"Ayah, Din nak tukar sekolah lain." kata si anak kepada bapanya.
"Kenapa?"Tanya ayah. "Sebab cikgu kat sekolah tu semuanya bodoh!" balas Din.
"Apa sebab kamu cakap begitu?"Tanya ayah.
"Tengoklah, dah 5 tahun Din sekolah kat situ tapi buku rekod Din asyik merah,merah,merah. Takde kemajuan lansung!" Jawab Din dgn selamba.
Di sebuah rumah sewa kat Kelumpo nun.
Amin: Kau buat ape kat luar tu Man?
Aman: Sapu ubat panas kat kaki. Lenguh sikit laa.
Amin: Apesal kau tak buat kat dalam ni? Kan panas terik kat luar tu.
Aman: Kau nih xpernah pakai ubat panas ker?
Amin: Kenape lak?
Aman: Kan ke kat botol ni ada tulis, "Untuk kegunaan luar sahaja".
Amin: Hoohhh!
Dalam sebuah tadika, 2 kanak-kanak sedang bergaduh.
Sam : kau memang beruk la?
Dol : kau la beruk..!
Sam : kau la beruk..kata aku plak?
Kemudian datanglah cikgu tadika (Zerostyle) untuk meleraikan pertengkaran tersebut.
Zerostyle : Apa pasal gaduh-gaduh nie. Tak baik tau?
Dol : Beruk nie kata saya beruk Zerostyle?
Zerostyle : Sam, Dol mari sini. Cuba tengok tangan kamu? Sama kan?
Sam & Dol : Sama cikgu!!
Zerostyle : Cuba tengok mata, hidung dan telinga kamu.. Sama jugak kan?
Sam & Dol : Sama jugak Zerostyle!!
Zerostyle : Kalau dah semuanya sama, kalu Dol BERUK kamu pun BERUK jugak lah Sam.! Paham?
Sam & Dol : Paham Zerostyle!
Sam : Tapi mengapa tangan, mata, hidung dan telinga cikgu sama macam kami? Zerostyle pun BERUK jugak ker??